Sunday, August 7, 2016

Gravity laloons and riding lilycorns ....This you just have to come see!

Monster Baby
is at ATP with a gacha you just have to  get.
There are Gravity Laloons!
Oh my yes!  and they are super cute.
I used mine to shop around and throw water balloons at the peoples below.
Oh I didnt just say that.

There is a cutie little Riding Lilycorn there, that I just adores! If you look close at this picture yew see the stars dat come out of  her.
 there is a hidden surprise in this gacha.

while your  there,  Go check out ...
that is just over the bridge from the ATP Event you will find some treasures.
Below I am wearing one of Monster Baby's dresses 
The Beautiful Vintage Lily Dress
In Pink
It comes in many delightful colors.
I am holding Lilycorn Floof Toy (rare)
Below I am showing off my new toy to the Monster Baby Unicorn.
I am wearing  
Monster- REBEL Dress in soft pink
The shoes  that I have on are 
Monster - Alice Shoes in light pink
Happy Shopping Every body!
Huggies and Squishies

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