Friday, November 9, 2018

Daddeeeeeee....I didnt dew it!

So.. I keep waking ups in the bath room
 and it get cold in there so, 
Uncle Elan tell me tew Put a blankie in der!  
an Then Cuzzy makes a  
Baby Burrito Blankie and its my favorite!
I sleep really good and cozy now.
I  got up this morning and see a bunch of stuffs in the corner and 
a pretty bottle and wonder if it shampoo ....and  I think I'll surprise daddy
and take a baff and wash my hair so I grab the bottle and
jump in the tub and wash ↜↝wash ↜↝wash↜↝
 Daddy gonna be so proud of me! 
 I gots all cleans and then dry off and make my blankie 
a cape so I can fly around the house.
 and I look in the mirror and  
Oh! Oh!
I don't think that bottle was shampoo!!

Get your Favorite Blankie Baby Burrito and
shoulder and cape Blankie at 

made by my cuzzy Cami

Thats all folks!
huggies an squishies

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