Wednesday, January 3, 2018


 Still at the Cabin with my mommie and I went out side 
and sat on a  pile of Leaves and yew know what happen?
A family of  Hedge Hogs came sneaking out of them leaves 
and one -- Oh my Gosh! ran across my legs.
I almost peed my pants!

This pose and the beautiful pile of leaves and  
cutie pie hedge hogs are from
Where you need to look for your family poses.

I'm also wearing
Toddleedo  - Baby Body
Toddleedoo - Baby Mesh Head Mina
Mandala - Ears
Breaux Jr. - Hipster Head Band
Magika Hair- Plenty
Viva Kids - Outfit Axel Baby and Sneakers

Its so much fun being a Kid in SL.
HUgs and SQuishes

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