Wednesday, October 11, 2017

October the 12th, a fun new haunted experience awaits you at the lands of WillowVale.

 Oh yes!
 midnight is the time that all clocks stand still and the magic of 
explodes open for you.
There is a Haunted House, also a Ride,
 Pumpkin Patch, Contest, Scavenger Hunt, 
and the Happily Haunted Hunt as well. 

I will most likely be put in time out for this
but I need to do it for YOU!
These are the items for you to look out for!
Here is your
 Taxi to
Happily Haunted Hunt  Landing

OMG! OMG!  the  RIDE!

That's all I'm gonna show you so
I dont spoil the fun.
Get over to 
your magic carpet ride
*to fun and gacha and
See you there
HUggies and SQuishies

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