Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Have you seen wat Bubby has made lately?

When you got your look all together and then 
there is that one thing that is missing.
Cool  Shades
Lovin my new shades from
Breaux Jr. 
they can be switched between two
 placements by touching
 editing done by simply edit and stretch to
 make bigger or smaller and
 even edit linked parts.
only 49l a pull and

they are at
Ninety Nine Event
You gotta go take a look 
at Breaux Jr. Main Store
 your teleport here
on the Land
Willowvale the home of
Tous Les Enfants and the Sentinels.
Opens July 21st.
its gonna be sooo amazings.

Happy Hunting
HUggies an SQuishies