Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Have yew ever caught a lady bug?

Have yew ever caught a lady bug and sang 
this song to it.
"Lady bug lady bug fly a way home."
(some one tell me the rest please)

Im wearing from
a new oufit

Too Bug For You
This comes for TD kid an baby
Too Bug for You Top
Too Bug for You Shorts
Too Bug stud earrings
Too Bug Ring  resizer
Too Bug Sandals with  lady bug on them
Too Bug Bow 
(copyable for  piggy tails likes mine)

This  picture of me was taken at 
On the first floor, a great place for photos
and it changes themes often!

see you all there and don't forget to 
 join the group and get the gift
its a cutie...

 Huggies and Squishies

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