Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Grabby Hands Gacha gots a great pool from Boomerang

Its Summer Time!!

Time for all the family to get to gather an have fun!
Dis is me and my bestie Star
 with her mommie and daddy Kat and Brandon
and  Aunty Alexis!
Dats my auntie and uncles tew!!!
we always has fun togethers...

There us chilling in 
inflatable Unicorn Seahorse Pool

You can get your Pool with toobs an rings full of  great poses at
Looks ...  me, Chani an Silver Models....Oh! an Kaity....giggles

Get to Grabby Hands Gacha and get your summer Pool and check out there other cool things tew,  made for TD baby/kid.

Happy Gacha!
Hughes an Squishies

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